Buck In A Bag
Holly Hen (Feeding Hen)
Holly Hen (Feeding Hen)
Holly Hen (head down feeding) would most likely be the deadliest turkey image that anyone would want to have. She can be used in all types of scenarios, and can really make any situation a successful one. With her down in the feeding position, Holly looks like she is calm and just feeding along, but also gives off the image that she is alone and possible lost and looking to hook up with the others. Other uses are along side with another hen, or in a group of hens also feeding, Holly Hen can also be used as the alone wondering hen that is just looking for a Tom to hook up with. But adding Junior or Mr Tim Tom along side Holly, can really fire up other Big Tom’s to come in running. Holly Hen is a silhouette image printed on both sides.
Holly Hen comes with an adjustable stick, and an action pin.
Good Luck out there.